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Must Have Copywriting Collateral for 2022

4 quick and easy ways to prepare your business with copywriting collateral for 2022

December and January are critical months for business. If you struggled in 2021 then you are ready to switch things up and make a change in your marketing. And if you succeeded (that means met your goals) then you can double down and expand into new areas of growth. But no matter where you’re at, there are four pieces of copywriting collateral for 2022 that every small business owner must have.

These marketing materials are seen by the most people and have the biggest potential to attain and acquire new clients. Now is the time to revisit and refine your copywriting collateral to ensure you’re in pole position moving into the new year.


Take a read through your website copy (both online and offline in your raw format) and notice anything:

  • That is no longer accurate (your services, pricing, policies, etc.).
  • That doesn’t sound like you. Have you picked up some new language? Maybe you’ve stopped using certain words? Have your beliefs changed? Or maybe you have just grown into yourself more?
  • That no longer excites you  – because if it doesn’t light you up inside then how do you expect to convert clients?
  • That isn’t performing as well as they could (look at your analytics).

Ok, so then what?

  • Make a copy of your raw copy document (Word or Google Doc) and highlight the above areas leaving notes to explain why you are not loving them.
  • Take a break. It’s important to step away from the document to give yourself time to reflect and think about what needs to be said.
  • Come back to your document 48-72 hours later and start rewriting those areas.
  • Read your entire web copy and ensure that your new content flows smoothly and is cohesive with any pre existing copy.
  • Update any keywords and meta descriptions if applicable.


I’ll use Instagram as a prime example, but the theory applies to any social media platform. Just remember it is better to be on one platform and do that well than to be wishy-washy on multiple channels.

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A good bio…

  • Tells people who you are.
  • Tells people what you do.
  • Shows them your personality.
  • Encourages action.

Your profile as a whole is your online magazine, full of brand styled visuals and inspirational captions. But it’s your bio that is your 7 second chance to get them HOOKED. Make it count.


That ‘action’ you want your audience to take from your Social Media bio? Yeh, that needs to get them onto your email list. Email is 6x more effective than social media for acquiring clients and sales. You probably know that already. And you also know that there needs to be some sort of incentive for joining your email list; a free download being a popular choice. But what happens next?

If you don’t already have a welcome sequence then now is the time to write one. And if you do then it might be time to tweak and refine your emails to ensure the content is fresh and accurate.

A welcome sequence consists of 3-5 automated emails that should do the following:

  • Show people who you are and why they should care about your business.
  • Allow people to get to know you, and want to keep getting to know you.
  • Direct new audience members to other touch points (think about how they got onto your list and what else you want to show them).
  • Explain what you do and how you can improve their lives.
  • Pave the path to them doing business with you (soft pitch).


Nurture emails don’t have to be complicated, and they don’t always need to be strategic (as in, they don’t always have to lead to a sale). A nurture email is key to keeping your list engaged and your name/brand being kept top of mind. You’re priming your audience to know, like, and trust you, so that when you are ready to move in with a sales sequence they are more inclined to take action. But, don’t be spammy, you still need to add value.

Here’s a few ideas to get you started:

  • Share a collection of your favourite resources.
  • Links to podcast episodes you’ve been loving and start a conversation about it.
  • How-to.
  • Tips for easier/faster XYZ (remember their pain points).
  • Re-purpose blog posts or captions that performed well.

And there you have it, my top areas of focus to refresh and prepare your copywriting collateral for 2022.

Still feeling overwhelmed? I know, it’s a lot of content! Let me know where you’re getting stuck in the comments and I’ll help you out!

To your success 🥂

xo, Nicola

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