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What the Bloody Hell is Web Copy Anyway?

I’m stripping things right back to the basics today, because writing for the internet is a whole different ball game, and it’s rarely talked about. Entrepreneurs are sucked into this jargon filled culture and expected to just run with whatever is being thrown their way. I live in this content marketing world and even I’ve been known to lose my bearings!

Funnels…lead magnets…web copy…it’s like a whole new language. Just what the bloody hell is web copy anyway?

Copy is the written content on your website – and arguably the most important content on the internet.

Website copy is important because it is the core text that narrates and directs visitors through your website and compels them to take action. It needs to be aggressive yet subtle, concise yet detailed, and emotional yet Googleable.

Effective copywriting can make the difference between a page resulting in sales and one that visitors ignore. Website copywriting is different because it compels action.

There a two types of web copy that work together to make this action possible: static and dynamic.

Static Web Copy

Static copy is highly informative, and usually very concise phrasing is used to provide essential information to the website. This static copy lives on your home page, sales pages, about page, and FAQ page.

Dynamic Web Copy

Dynamic copy on the other hand refers to content that might not always be visible to new visitors – such as blog posts. Social media captions fall into this realm too as although they don’t live on your website domain, the content aims to entertain and persuade people to visit the website.

Then the static copy takes over to convert visitors into sales or vetted leads.

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In essence, web copy is your anchor; it’s the written content that everything else in your marketing strategy bounces off. Now is writing web copy easy to do? Can you write any old thing and expect it to perform?

That’s a hard no.

Writing for the internet is completely different to writing offline. As I mentioned above, web copy needs to be aggressive yet subtle, concise yet detailed, and emotional yet Googleable, amongst other things.

I mean, sure, you could spend hours (if not weeks) trying to figure it out all by yourself. Or, you could take a look at some of the ways I can help you with professional copywriting for your business.

I’m ready and waiting for you!

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  1. […] one thing, your home/landing page is static copy, meaning everyone who visits your website is going to see it. So it has to be clear, concise, and […]

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