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Secrets to Writing a Welcome Email Sequence:

What a welcome email sequence is, why you need one, and how to write it

Email is the most simple, affordable, and effective way to market your business with a whopping 75% of millennials saying they prefer this method of communication. profitworks.ca

This tells us that building your email list is essential and worthy of your time. We also know that juicy free content, AKA your lead magnet, is an effective way to start that list. But then what? Sending a new subscriber your freebie and then never following up is like ghosting someone after a first date. The rejection comes to you hard and true when you later slide into their inbox with your pitch. You need to put a bit more effort into the relationship if you want to go all the way 😉

What is a welcome sequence?

A welcome sequence consists of 3-5 automated emails that allows your audience to get to know you better. This is your perfect opportunity to create engagement and make a lasting impression by:

  • Introducing yourself
  • Getting your audience excited
  • Establishing credibility and building trust
  • Starting the foundation of a meaningful and loyal relationship
  • Setting expectations and boundaries

Why a welcome email sequence is important

Coming in with a harsh truth here; people aren’t downloading your freebie because of who you are. They’ve probably never heard of you before. But you’re giving them the EXACT thing they want in the PRECISE moment of their search.

I’ll say this again – they’ve probably never heard of you. What’s the point of them swiping right if you’re never going to ask them out on a date? We’ve already committed to not ghosting right?!

Set yourself up for success by letting people know you’re the person they want turn to when they’re ready to take action.

How to write a welcome email sequence

Be yourself. Being invited into someone’s inbox is an intimate privilege, which is why you should show up as your true, authentic self. If you’re sassy, be sassy. If you’re goofy, be goofy. The formula for “who you are” is written in your DNA, so don’t go looking anywhere else for that.

You’ve got the formula, I’ve got the strategy.


This is likely the first email they will get from you, and odds are it won’t get read. Skimmed at best. We live in a fast paced world, one where instant gratification is expected, so keep this email short and sweet: “Hi – here you go – chat later!” An email might even be a step too much, depending on your lead magnet. Can it be delivered without even needing to leave your website? And if so, set up a redirect once the opt-in form has been submitted – see how it’s done on my site


Don’t be afraid to repeat yourself and pull from other introductory content you have elsewhere. You shouldn’t assume that the reader already knows who you are and what you do. Include some personal and intriguing facts about yourself that relate to them to make a connection. 

As a best practice, tell your readers how often they will be hearing from you and what type of content you’ll be sending. Let them know that your emails are more frequent in the beginning because you want to help them get to know you. You might even be more active when you have a new offer further down the line. You want to assure them that you are leading with value first, sales second.



Tell a story in a way that takes your ideal client on a journey from being “problem unaware” to “solution aware”. You’re still introducing yourself in this email but on a far more relatable level. Tell a true personal anecdote about how you overcame a hurdle or a problem that is that same challenge your reader is most likely facing too. 

Hint; the content of this email can be pulled from the message in your About Page. Same story, more casual approach.

This is a story about how your offer or services can solve the problem in question and you want to offer some help within the email by sharing some tips and advice.


You’ve given your audience a chance to get to know you and put your lead magnet to the test, now it’s time to let them in on all the ways in which they can work with you. You can draw them in by sharing something fascinating about your industry and why your take on it is unique to your offer or services. 

Remind your reader of the outcomes they desire and share a case study example of the results a client, just like them, achieved when they chose you. Create some urgency and provide a very clear call to action for them to take the next step.

And yes, I’m an advocate for publishing your rates.

I won’t lie to you, when I’m writing welcome emails for a client, I get a bit more specific about the strategy and email structure, and I have been known to draft up to 8 emails in a sequence. The above outline is a simple overview of the most necessary emails that applies to every niche.

Use this in conjunction with templates provided by your Email Service Provider (ESP) and you’ll be well on your way to converting new leads for your business. 

I use Flodesk, becuase I can create stunning emails in minutes from templates, and can easily set up a workflow that integrates seamlessly with my website. Flodesk supports your success with an incredible resource centre and flat fee structure, regardless of how big your list grows. And if you plan to sign up, click this link, or use my code “NICOLAMARRISON” to get 50% off your subscription.

Wanna see an effective welcome sequence IRL? Get on my list and experience it for yourself.

See you there!

xo, Nicola

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